How to Add a Domain From Namecheap to Cloudflare

This article was last updated on 2023-11-03, the content may be out of date.

In this scenario we’ll be going over a simple process of connecting NameCheap domain to Cloudflare DNS Hosting. Let’s assume the following:

  • We already have an account with NameCheap. If not, create one
  • We already have an an account with Cloudflare. If not, create one
  • Our app name is Crabcoin, and we’ve registered on NameCheap.

This process is two-step, first part is done on Cloudflare and the second one on NameCheap. Let’s start!

Log in into a Cloudflare account.

Click on “Add a Site” button

Enter and click Continue
Wait a bit until there is another Continue button, click it.

Note the Cloudflare’s Nameservers, they will be required on the next step.

. In our case it’s going to be:


Select Free plan and click Continue


Log in into a NameCheap Account and click on _Manage"


In the Nameservers section select Custom DNS


Enter the nameservers from the previous step and click the checkmark icon.


Cick on Done, check nameservers


After some time (to me it was instant) an email should arrive saying that Cloudflare has been activated

That’s it!
Second Head Post
This is a post from Second Head. So please, don’t expect too much.

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